The Versatile Blogger Award

I am so grateful to have been nominated for The Versatile Blogger Award by Amy from The Rolling Baby. I only started blogging as more on a online diary for myself to look back on what was happening and how I felt during some of the milestones within motherhood.

Picking some fact about myself was rather difficult as I feel I share especially on my social media my thoughts and facts etc... and I'm not one of life's most interesting people enough to have some cool facts to share, but here goes;

1. I trained as a hairdresser for 2 years working in a salon for 4 years altogether to then quit after my maternity leave with my first son after not being allowed to actually do hair within the salon. It is something I loved doing and because I haven't got the salon experience of doing hair I have found it very difficult to get back into it as salons wanted apprentices or experience employees.

2. I have had half a sleeve tattooed on my left arm just before I fell pregnant and during my pregnancy I absolutely hated it so once I had given birth and stopped feeding I had laser treatment to remove it all - soo painful!

3. I never in a million years wanted to get married (after my mum and dad got divorced when I was very young) but my opinion changed once I met my partner and now we are engaged and hoping, if we get our bums in gear, to get married soon!

4. I fell pregnant 2 months after officially being together with my partner, 4 months including the 'seeing' stage, After many thinking we wouldn't last we are not 5 years down the line, 2 kids, engaged and a mortgage and very happy! big finger up to those who doubted!

5. I've had every hair colour going, dying my hair pretty much every week to then of course finally realising my natural hair colour of blonde is my favourite!

6. I learnt how to drive around 4 years ago now (2013) but after giving birth to my first I just never found the time to actually finish doing the tests and passing, I have done my theory test 3 times now but due to lack of concentration I have always had in exams I keep failing by 1 or 2 marks which definitely reduces the motivation to continue on.

7. My biggest party trick when I was little was showing everyone how many peas I could stick up my nose which resulted in my dad having to use a cocktail stick to get the ones that were not reachable and stuck, I know... everyone wanted to see that trick!

Here are my fabulous fifteen fave's!

The Rhyming Mum
Ranting Rachael
The Mum Job
Rhyming with wine
The mummy bubble

Don't forget to tag my in your post, I cant wait to read all your facts!


  1. I literally just snorted at your pea trick! If we ever meet at some sort of blogging conference I might need you to perform it! Don't worry I'll bring you some cocktail sticks. ๐Ÿ˜‚ Here's to you and I love that you've proved the doubters wrong. I also had a bit of a whirlwind relationship with my now husband and yet 7 years and 2 children later here we are! Thanks for the nomination lovely x

    1. Hahah oh dont worry its been a few years but im sure if we meet i can try it out๐Ÿ˜‚ aww thankyou! Awww thats soo nice well done to you both๐Ÿ’— x

  2. Aaaw I love that you proved the doubters wrong. Hubby and I told everyone within 2 months that we were going to get married, and yup we were right! Sometimes it's just meant to be. Thank you so much for nominating me.

    1. Awww thats soo nice! When you know you just know dont you! Xx

  3. Lovely to find out more about you - it's lovely that things have worked out so well with your partner and that your opinion on marriage has changed as a result! Thanks for the nomination XX

    1. Aww thankyou, yes i never thought it would but hes a good egg and i cant wait to get married! Xx


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