From one to two!

Still cannot believe that i am now a mother of two. It doesn't seem that long ago that i was still longing to give Jacob a brother/sister, i was broody for soooo long and now Thomas is here.
When the test came back positive it was like all our dreams had come true. We were finally going to become parents again and Jacob a big brother.. my baby was going to be the eldest!

The pregnancy seemed to go so quick yet i was so impatient and wished it all away just so i could find out who you where, what you would look like and to have those newborn cuddles once again. Everything from old wives tales to identical pregnancies and cravings pointed you towards being a girl but we didn't mind what you were going to be and it was fun to have people guessing and the excitement building. It was a surprise when the big day finally came and you popped out a boy but the moment we set eyes on you was the moment we will treasure the most, to find out we were parents to another baby boy again was just incredible and we could not wait for Jacob to find out.

The moment we told Jacob was also a moment we will never forget to here the excitement that his 'Peanut' (his nickname for bump) was here and he couldn't wait to come up to the hospital. We heard him all the way down the corridor screeching for his brother, the chuckle he gave out as soon as he laid eyes on him was hilarious. As he held his baby brother feeling all his features and kissing him we looked on with so much pride. We knew he would be excited but we never knew how much.

Now we are all at home together their bond continues to grow. Jacob loves to help out with the occasional bottle feed and even the nappy changes (he gets a sense of pride when Thomas 'does a big poo') He sings to his little brother when he struggles to fall asleep. They love to share story time together and have early morning chats in mummy and daddy's bed. Listening to Jacob telling Thomas about his day at preschool and his dreams he has at night. I cannot believe we are so lucky to have two incredible boys.

It definitely isn't all perfect, the tiredness has set in. The lack of sleep and lack of routine is definitely hitting this household. None of us are quite sure what time it is let alone what day it is. Thomas suffered from colic, this time was very hard. Jacob was such a dream baby, very lazy and did everything by the book. We are a little in shock this time round and often feels like we are first time parents again. But i guess that's just the jump from one to two and its what makes it special that we all get by together helping one another as we go. 


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