The bear that saves me time.

All i have seen in the last trimester up until around 3 weeks after the birth of T, is the myHummy bear and how amazing this bear is. I have read tons of reviews that this bear has saved people in the toughest times of having a newborn and even some with 6 months old. After much debate and wondering if it was really worth it's pricey tag. Going through a few weeks of T having colic and not able to put him down due to him not being able to settle himself, it pushed us into thinking we should jump on the band wagon and invest in this cute little ball of what we now will say is a god send!

From ordering this bear and delivery it took 3 days in total, and it came in this cute box with a shopper style bag, a letter to say hello and instructions on how the device inside works. It plays five different types of white noise (which if I'm honest all sound like different variations of each other and nothing like what they are suppose to) but my god does it actually work! I am very impressed i can now put T down and he is instantly more relaxed and will drop off listening too this bear unless of course he decides he is starving and needs feeding instantly. We are a week into having this bear and it helps anytime i need to actually be myself again and do the simplest of things, like washing my hair or actually getting dressed. Massively helps with the morning school rush i can get J ready and dog proof the house which takes some time since he has discovered he can open doors into rooms i do not want him destroying - should of got a less destroying animal... like a fish!

But overall just to say if any of you are struggling with your bubs maybe not being able to self soothe or maybe being a bit needy and you just want 5 minutes to make yourself human again. Definitely look into sleeping aids, there are so many out there just make sure to read the reviews to find the one suited to you and your baby. Definitely with this bear you will not be disappointed!

If you have any other tips on coping with a baby who just wants 24hours of cuddles and struggles to settle themselves, leave a comment below!

This is in no way a sponsored post. This is nothing more than an honest review on an amazing product!


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