5 things to get in the Christmas spirit...

Usually at this time of year I feel sick with excitement that Christmas is just around the corner. This year as much as I am looking forward to the big day for the kids, I'm not quite up there with excitement.

Here is 5 things I have been trying to do to get myself in that Christmas spirit;

1) Get the Christmas decorations up
This is something I do early anyway. I always have to have them up for the 1st of December

mainly because of the Christmas tradition we do for the kids, But this year along with the 
tradition I wanted them up as they make the house feel cosier and I really look forward to spending days in the house around the tree watching movies and just spending time with the family which in affect lifts my mood!

2) Christmas activities

Last year we went to a Christmas fayre and that was about it. This year we have been to see Santa, been to a Christmas Fayre,
been to Jacob's school Christmas church service and I cannot wait till he breaks up from school as we are going to make some Christmas cards, and hopefully do some baking. I also want to find somewhere to take Jacob to see some Christmas Lights, as when I was younger my dad used to find these area's that would light up their houses in sync and people could come and visit and donate to the charities they were raising for. It was always very magical too see the houses lit up so I would love the boys to see them too.

3) Christmas eve boxes

I've seen so many people making these boxes for their kids on Christmas eve and have never thought about doing it before, partly as Jacob was a bit too young. This year I have decided to jump on the bandwagon as Jacob is that little bit older and he really understands this year the magic of Christmas and what its all about so I thought this will be a perfect treat to continue his excitement on the eve of Christmas. Seeing him so excited makes me soo happy as Christmas is truly magical when kids are around, bringing back all the memories I had a child at Christmas time which gets me in the festive spirit.

4) Looking back on the year that's passed

For me looking back on all the memories from this year I have found to be very good for me personally as I can remember all the good times, all the proud moments we have shared together as a family and how far Jacob has progressed as a little person seeing his character grow. Welcoming in our new baby which is, apart from Jacobs birth, the best moment of my life and I cannot believe that we are so lucky to have two beautiful healthy boys that we can call our sons! 

5) Christmas Music

This is such a big part of the Christmas spirit. Me and J have often been dancing in the kitchen to the Christmas songs on the radio before School. They are so festive and jolly and we always have the music playing in the background on the big day while we are swapping gifts. So for me they remind me of the excitement at watching loved ones open their gifts.

What gets you in the festive spirit ? and what activities do you get up to on the run up?


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