Wishing i had done a few things differently with my children.

I don't like to say I ever have regrets in life as I like to think everything happens for a reason, good or bad I think it all happens to teach us.. even if that sounds like a cheesy cliché. I do however have a few things that I will I had done a little differently and if I could ever go back and change I might change a few things.

1. I wish I had a maternity photoshoot, I absolutely love the pregnant body and for me it is such a special time. Growing a human inside knowing that you are creating a life and being able to watch that grow and feel the movements. I just wish I had decided to have a maternity photoshoot. I also wish that I had a photographer in my labour, I have recently seen some absolutely beautiful photos of labour and I totally wish that I had done this as I would love to of captured that truly intimate raw moment when we first met our baby.

2. I wish when I had my first child, that I had gone to baby groups and got out a bit more with him. I have loved the groups I have been to this time round and wish that I got over my fear of being young and having a baby when I had Jacob. I thought everybody would judge me (I mean I was 20 its not like I was really ridiculously young) But where I was working during my pregnancy I had a lot of older women who were very judgemental so it scared me a little to get out to groups.

3. I wish that I had taken hand & foot prints every month of both the boys for the first year or something special that I kept up consistently. I think its such a lovely thing just to have a kind of ritual that you do throughout their childhood even for something to compare back and look back on in the future. I have been trying to get Thomas to co-operate with letting me get his handprints but he doesn't keep his hand flat enough to let me get a good print!

4. Trying to keep everything as even and fair between the boys is hard. I wish that I had done more with Jacob when he was little like the hand prints, even down to little creative things that I have seen recently for Thomas. But I cant help but feel a little guilty if I do something special with Thomas and I haven't done the same for Jacob. Seems silly as there was so much first times and special moments with Jacob that we will never get with another child but mentally I like to try and make sure it is fair as much as possible.

Have you got anything that would wish you might have done a little differently? Or anything that you have thought of and are changing now?


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